Saturday, June 30, 2007


ok so there is this cat.... i dont know who owns her but she thinks i do. every night she comes to my house around 10 and stays until morning. this was no big deal but now she has been coming during the day and she wants in the house. it is kinda bothersome to always slam the door in her face. not to mention she now walks on my new car. this ticks me off. if you know ANY way to keep her off my car please tell me. i am going to petsmart tomorrow. blahhhhh i wish the owner would keep her inside. or well i hope she has an owner.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


i got a new car.... lucy is her name and she is so cute. right now i am putting her through a lot.... i have to learn to drive her. You see she is a stick shift and I never took the time to know how to drive one. so once i know how she will be all over town so you all can see her.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Grad Party

so my party went really well i think. I had a great time and a bunch of my friends came. some people showed up who i did not figure would come. i love you guys and yeah thats all

Friday, June 22, 2007

hit and skip

so a hit and skip is the same as a hit and run but with a motorcycle. tonight was quite a crazy night and i absolutely hope nothing like this ever happens to any of you or to me ever again. i am so glad the guy from my Psychology class was there to help me and help me chill out. I'm still shaking but I'm ok......

Thursday, June 21, 2007


i really have no clue what to write but i know i want to write something. things have been feeling really weird recently. i am a teacher at drama camp. it is a camp for little kids and the highschoolers teach it. what seems weird is that the school is not mine. we tried to get on the computer system and we are no longer in it. then we had a meeting about next years camp and everyone realized that we are not allowed to do it next year. it is really just weird that's all.

Monday, June 18, 2007

sand dollar

I believe in holding on until you really feel ready to lose what you are holding. If you are in an ocean and have a sand dollar in your hand, if you let go even for one second, chances are you will never get it back. If, by chance, you do do you feel the same joy in finding it?

Sunday, June 17, 2007


postsecret is late updating and i am having a hard time going to bed because of it... my life is sad

Friday, June 15, 2007


i always thought we where good friends but after this... after you thought i would behave in such a manner... i have to wonder how well you knew me. if you know me you would know that is not a piece of who i am, nor has it ever been. i do not attack people who have hurt me. i stay quiet and get over it. so why would you be so accusing? you should have known i had nothing to do with this. think about it, really.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


so yeah i am outta there.... i wish there was not so much crap going on when i left but you take what you get.... i am ready to grow up but not to lose those who i began to grow with
i would love to just recieve hugs... they make me feel loved