Wednesday, January 16, 2008

America's biggest fear

people say that the biggest fear in an Americans life is public speaking. today i did a presentation in front of a lecture hall full of people. I was so scared and i had to wear a microphone and everything. i mean yeah i did it and i fell good about it. but for the 4 min that we were up there wow i was freaking out. i feel so good about it being done and everything.

Friday, January 11, 2008

out of the box

sometimes you suprise even i was outside my box and when i got back in a relized sometimes (even on the rainiest of days) things do work out. and sometimes if you put yourself out there, you might just end up happy.for now thats what i am. im happy in my bow but i am glad i now know that im ok if i step out ever once in awhile.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

new year, new quarter

i know im a little late but happy new year! hope you all had fun but didnt do anything way dumb. did anyone make resolutions? i dont make them... i think of things i would like to get done but i wouldnt call them resolutions. i think resolutions are just a way of disapointing yourself at the end of the year.
this quarter should be good. but some of the same problems from last year carried over, its ok kristyn and i are going to try and work on it. other then that i think everything will be just fine.