Monday, October 29, 2007

now or later

are we saposed to be living for now or late. if i want to be happy should i be happy today or tomorrow.
what goes up must come down, so is it true that what goes down must go up?
if i do something that makes me really happy then will it make me sad later? what if i do something that makes me sad does that make me happy later?

i wonder

i wonder if in the future we will wonder what we missed out on now. will you ever think back and think about me and what about me, will i ever think of you.
one of colbie caillat's songs just makes me wonder.....
[V1:] Take time to realize, That your warmth is. Crashing down on in.Take time to realize,That I am on your sideDidn't I, Didn't I tell you.But I can't spell it out for you, No it's never gonna be that simpleNo I cant spell it out for you
[C:] If you just realize what I just realized, Then we'd be perfect for each otherAnd will never find anotherJust realized what I just realizedWe'd never have to wonder if We missed out on each other now.
[V2:] Take time to realizeOh-oh I'm on your sideDidn't I, didn't I tell you.Take time to realizeThis all can pass you by.. Didn't I tell youBut I can't spell it out for you,No its never gonna be that simpleNo I can't spell it out for you.
[C:] If you just realized what I just realizedThen we'd be perfect for each other Then we'd never find another Just realized what I just realizedWe'd never have to wonder if We missed out on each other now.
[V3:] It's not always the sameNo it's never the same If you don't feel it to.If you meet me half wayIf you would meet me half way.It could be the same for you.
[C:] If you just realized what I just realizedThen we'd be perfect for each other Then we'd never find another Just realized what I just realizedWe'd never have to wonder Just realized what I just realizedOoOoOOoMissed out on each other now Missed out on each other now

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


this is the triangular theory of love. i have a test in my human sex class tomorrow and i have been looking at this. it is interesting to think of who you love in what ways.

do you buy it? is there really 7 kinds of love?

Monday, October 22, 2007

my life as a sitcom

on tv shows often when the person is having a bad day they are walking in the rain next to a road, with no warning a car (usally a big truck) drives by and a wave of water splashes all over the person who is already haveing a crapy day.
today, that was me. then i was forced to go to class dripping wet.
yeah the party on sat. is pretty much keeping me going this week. it is a long hard week.
tomorrow i have 2 presentations
wednesday i have an exam that i am pretty freaked out about (sex)
after that it is just waiting

Friday, October 19, 2007


i'm not sure i know how to talk to girls. i have grown up talking to guys (my brother) and when girls wanna talk i'm not sure that i use the right words. i think i often make them mad when i dont necessarily mean to.....
i also have never lived in a house with a girl. i dont think i'm good at that either.

Monday, October 15, 2007

your second choice

you just told me your news. it is so great. its a great school and i know that you wanted to go there. but here i am at your second choice. that city is a long way from here, this year really may be the last time we hang out like this. im so happy for you, or i should be. but im selfish and while i know i should be happy im actually a little sad. i actually kinda hoped you would end up here, with me.
here i am your second choice at the school that was your second choice.
but your to good for seconds you get your first pick. in girls, in schools, in life.
for now i will savor the time i get to be close to you, but know that when you go your taking a bit of my heart with you.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


i understand that i may not be the one to do it but i want you to be happy. so if in fact she makes you happy then i am going to try my very hardest to be happy for you, i don't time it will be that hard for me, i love you and i want whatever is best for you because i think you deserve the best.
this is not only for the guys, i think to often people come to me for advice but i can not always tell how someone makes you feel. all i want is for you to be happy and for someone to love you as much as someone should.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

a bruised apple

tonight i dropped the Fuji apple and i think it got kinda bruised it. i only did it cause i was sad and he was not helping. i then turned to the good old gala apple but it was already taken by some other shopper. so instead tonight i found an apple i had only seen once but it looked so good. so i hung on to it for awhile. and now i feel closer to the gala for being there even though it was so far away and honestly i feel distant from the fuji one cause it got so bruised.
one day ill stop talking about apples and just tell the real story. lol

Saturday, October 6, 2007


sometimes you think to yourself i would love to eat an apple. (well you might not think that really but lets pretend) anyway you think you want an apple and add it to the list of things you would really like to get next time you have time go to the store. you have always wanted the Granny Smith kind and you have gotten them once or twice, but this time you go to the store and you see these other kinds, the 3 that catch you eye are (of course) the granny smith (cause it is routine) the Gala (because you have seen them there but never wanted to pay that much and risk it going bad) and the Fuji (which really you have never noticed).... so in the end which apple would you buy? i mean really you cant have all three.... right? right! you need to pick an apple and stick with it.
soooo do you have any idea of why i would write this? cause it means something i swear