Wednesday, April 30, 2008


so i know i said i was done chasing you, and i do want to be, however i still can't help but smile when you walk past and say hi or ask about my day. I still can't stop wondering if you will be hanging out with us when we all go out. I don't know what it means but i think being done chasing you is not realistic, because i can't help how i react when you are around. so instead i'm done talking about chasing you (or atleast i'll try), at least until i get the guts to ask you to go do something.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


im tired of trying, so this is it im quitting. i waited and didn't get any feed back so i think i have to stop chasing you

Thursday, April 24, 2008

here's the deal

here's the deal, i need you to give me some kind of signal. i'm not the kind of girl that can ask you to go do something unless i know that you will say yes. So, yeah i do think that i can make the 1st move but i need some kind of signal that it will work out, because as we all know sometimes things just don't work out.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

let's hang out sometime

why is it so hard for me to get the guts to say one little sentence? "so i was thinking we could hang out sometime, maybe friday we could (then i would insert a social activity here)"
is that really hard? i can say it to so many people but not him.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

just some guy

I tell myself it's nothing,
let it go,
he's just some guy
I don't know enough about you to have these feeling
but there is something that is intriguing
something that makes me sound stupid when i speak to you,
it makes me blush when you say hi,
and makes me wonder about what you might be thinking

Monday, April 21, 2008

no one

no one reads this
if you do please speak up
just so i know you are there

dont get me wrong i will not be leaving if no one comments but it would be nice to know who is reading it.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I may never understand you
you may never understand me
but I am willing to try
I may not like you music
but I will listen
You may not know why
but let me cry
let's work this out
let's see if this can work
if it does it will be amazing

Thursday, April 17, 2008


kris and I bought plants for $1 and they will not grow... it is making me very sad.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Do you see me?
I don't think so.
No mater what i wear, how i do my hair, or what my body language says.
you can't see me
as i was falling for you, you were looking at her
so now here i am, no longer smiling on the sofa, or finding myself giggling.
instead i find myself thinking of you and walking past the door wishing you would knock, and planning stupid ways to make my way to you.
i shoulda known better.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Do you ever just sit on your sofa and catch yourself smiling for no reason? I just did.
Do you ever smile at just the mention of someones name?
I did 10 min ago.
Do you ever just thank God for all that you've got? For letting you have the things you do and not giving you as many hard times as you could?
I will tonight before i climb in to my bed.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

apples part 2

I've had this for a while but i kinda stopped using it for a while. Pretty much im going to write something right now that only jill will understand so i hope she reads it. I've been thinking about looking in to this new kind of apple and tonight i did. i looked in to its history and learned about about it. now dont get me wrong im did not buy the apple or try it out, but im starting to think it is a great option that is really realistic.