Friday, March 30, 2007


so i am going to florida for all of spring break and it will be a great time..... i am just going to lay on the beach and chill... i will call andrea to check in a few times and other then that it is a week off.... a week with no play, no school, no prom, and no boys.... well none of my boys. i just want to chill with my best friend and my brother.
have a great week tell you more later.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Getting better

ok so today was so much better....
i go to second bell and start to tell messer i don't have $ for ceder point because i got it all taken and i found out that someone, anonymously gave her $30 for my trip and asked her not to tell who they where. i am so happy, i feel like someone really cared. so who ever you are i wanna say thank you soooooooo much.

Monday, March 26, 2007

BAD day

today was a really super bad day...
1) i decided to give blood, ok thats cool save a life. too bad i make it to the end of my bag and start to like pass out..... that was some scary stuff.... i'm glad peter came to stand by me when they made me lay there for like an hour
2) so i am in 3rd bell and i get in my purse and it seems weird i figure i left my calculator at home and forget about it
3) i am sitting in Brit lit and the school police officer walks in and has my wallet. oh crap! turns out it was stolen during the blood drive and they took all $120.... it was my Florida money and ceder point $
4) so now i am just really upset and i go to the costume shop and ball my eyes out.....

yeah so today sucked and i really dont feel like i will get the $ back.... People suck i wanna be done with highschool.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Prom should not really cause this much stress. it is what... a month away and i have no clue what i am doing. but.... i do have a dress picked out.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


last night i had a life changing moment. I made my 1st ever pancake. i had tried in the past to make pancakes but for some reason they did not turn in to a solid. last night my brother taught me how to make them. i feel somewhat better about going to college.... it is weird that something like that made me feel better. My mom has been telling me i needed to learn to cook and i don't know how to do a lot but i can make pancakes.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Heaven paper

for English we had to write about our heavenly situation. this is mine story.

As we sit in the clearing of the woods, I find a seat on the fallen log. It is mid September just before out college resumes. He has now begun to build what will soon be our fire. As he continues to work, I look around noticing the falling leaves, the wind softly blowing, and I can't help but feel at peace with not only myself but with everything around me. Our fire is staring and the sun is setting. he finds a seat next to mine and we sit in the silence. He takes out his old acoustic guitar and strums a few scales, soon i recognize the tune of black bird. His voice sings the lyrics i know too well.
The night sky is now all that is left and the music has all but stopped. I lay down on the now moist ground and stare up at the sky. as he slowly moves to join me i saver the smell of the early fall leaves. He joins me. Right then at that very moment we are a piece of nature, we have no influence in the lives of others and they have no influence on us. we are just there. In my mind I come to peace with my appearance, I don't care what i look like or that i am in my holy jeans and his baggy sweatshirt. I also have come to grips with the way i act and feel. I have one boy that loves me and will sit with me and watch the stars. That is all i need
I am whole, I am complete.

yeah thats all i just liked this and put it up maybe later i will post my hell paper too

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I hope to stay committed to this blog. This blog is going to be a lot different for me. This is not a goofy blog like xanga. This will instead be a blog of my thoughts as i grow into who i will be for the rest of my life. This is a serious interpretation of life around me. These are my thoughts, comment if you wish.