Thursday, January 28, 2010


" I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. "

I want people to be Happy, but I also know now that sometimes.... just sometimes.... I get to be number one. I tried to be nice and make someone else happy last time, but she was still angry... so this time around I'm not even trying... This one is for me

Saturday, January 23, 2010

trying to work and go to school

I'm currently looking for a job, but there are basically none out there... at least none that will hire a college kid with classes to work around. It sucks because most of my classes are right in the middle of the afternoon so it is really tough to work around, and I understand that. It just stresses me out because all my friends are paying for things on their own and doing things to live on their own, but I'm still living mostly off of my parents.... is that wrong?

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Currently I'm going to college and the closer my friends and I get to being finished the more the idea of being finished scares me to death. I can't even explain everything that I thought I would have done by graduation and now I'm realizing that those things are not happening. I plan on going away for 2 weeks on a vollenteer trip abrod. but that cant happen until i get $$ (like a lot, around 3000). I also thought that college was the time to meet the boy of my dreams, but as of now he is still just a figment of my dreams, no where to be found in this real world. I still want to internship (not likely in this economy). But even with all those things that I didn't get done yet, college has tought me a ton.... and not all academic (no, I learned about life, and who I am as a person).

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So a few years ago I started this thing, back then some of my friends actually read it and I wrote in it all the time... Now I stop in every once in a while just to update or read old posts, but I hope to start using this again. I figure since no one I know reads it I can just spill my guts and if the general public reads it I don't really care cause I don't know them.
Life right now is getting back on track, for a few weeks back around new years I felt like I had lost myself, but I found me again. And I think I found a me that is a little more sure of me.
There is this new show on MTV (lame I know) about making a list of things to do before you die... I thought about making a list but I really don't know what I would put on it... then I was talking to a friend of mine and decided that I had already done some of the things on my list (if that is I had a list), maybe the idea is that you don't need a list to tell you what to experience but instead you should just experience life as it comes to you. Take the opportunities that you have the chance to take (if you feel like it is the right choice for you).
Then another friend told me If you live life with no regrets then you are not living life.... I thought about that and I don't k now but I think that is very subjective, I can live life make a mistake but not regret the mistake that I made. I might feel bad about myself or the choice i made but at the same time I don't think regretting is good for you. Whats done is done, If you are not proud then don't do it again but you cant take it back, it is part of you now.